final artwork illustrations adaptions litograph color

Illustrations: for a nicer reproduction!

uniform + digital + idealised

You can find illustrations on nearly every print-product!

If its a company logo, eye catcher to emphasise on price,
graphic elements, or drawed description of usage -
all this is usually shown in a combination of lines and surfaces.

Untill 2004 this page showed illustrations that i made as a contractor in 2001
for an apprentiece scholar book about lenses and glasses production and materials
for a well known german optician-company.

Unfortunately the company has advised me to take my illustrations off the site
due to the propably reasonable fear of industry-espionage.

Analog drawings can be converted or digitalized into paths or pixels.

Send a sample - describe usage and print technice
and I can do a sample-illustration and calculate a price for you.

Laborous and complex drawings will usually be used more often or repeated
Repetitions like adaptions shall also be my next topic: adaptions



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